Our Engineers Training Course has been specifically designed to meet the needs of Water Utility Companies and Consultants.
When we designed the course we had three aims in mind:
1.) To provide the knowledge to assist Engineers / Resident Engineers & Consulting Engineers ensure that Pressure Testing is being carried out Safely and Correctly on site.
2.) To provide an insight into some of the more undesirable practices that are currently being adopted on sites.
3) To assist in identifying the various methods that could be used to cheat when pressure testing.
Suitable for Engineers, Resident Engineers & Consulting Engineers.
Training Standards: IGN 4-01-03 Issue 2 2015, WIS 4-01-03:2024 & BS EN 805:2000
Training Standards: IGN 4-01-03 Issue 2 2015, WIS 4-01-03:2024 & BS EN 805:2000
Our Pressure Testing Awareness Course for Site Supervisors has been specifically designed to meet the needs of Water Utility Contractors.
- It provides the knowledge to assist Site Supervisors ensure that Pressure Testing is being carried out Safely and Correctly on site.
- It also provides an insight into some of the more undesirable / unsafe practices which should be avoided on site.
Suitable for Site Supervisors, Foreman, Site Agents & Project Managers.
Training Standards: IGN 4-01-03 Issue 2 2015, WIS 4-01-03:2024 & BS EN 805:2000
Training Standards: IGN 4-01-03 Issue 2 2015, WIS 4-01-03:2024 & BS EN 805:2000
Contact Us for a full list of course content.